Music Journalism & Marketing

My name is Alex Howard & I write and report on music.

I have not only written stories about prominent topics in the metal scene, but have also done photography, videography, & feature stories on other genres in & around Augusta’s music scene.

While a lot of my work has focused on heavy music, I also have experience in music marketing & concert promotion for the Harry Jacobs Music Chamber Society at Augusta University. This includes social media & physical promotion as well as helping to ensure technical, equipment, food, travel, & hotel/housing needs are met for the artists.

Some music marketing has been done from the curriculum side as well with creating hypothetical tours which include everything from day-to-day scheduling for the tour, extensive vehicle & mileage information including costs, routes for venues, tour budgets, performance contracts & plenty more. 

All in all, I understand and have experience in the process behind touring, marketing, & concert setup.

My Work & Resume


You can find my stories on both my metal blog & on the ‘Stories’ page of this website. I tend to write about music in a way that a majority of people can understand so that the reading base is not limited to musicians & those who know more music jargon.


This is my resume which includes my professional information, experience, & skills.